Our products rely pretty heavily on wood. Wooden fingerboards and wooden climbing holds all have to come from somewhere. So it only makes sense to us to help to plant more trees when we are looking to give back.
That’s why last year we chose to support Ribble Rivers Trust to create new woodlands in Lancashire. Their 10-year campaign, Lancashire Woodland Connect, kicked off last autumn, and during the planting season 2020/2021 they planted 12 new woodland sites in Lancashire. That’s 26 374 trees!

Covid 19 slowed down the pace a little, but the project continues and more trees will be planted during the 2021/2022 planting seasons. Lancashire, in North of England, is one of the least wooded areas in the UK and these new woodlands within the Ribble River catchment area aim to increase the tree coverage. This appealed to us as not only is it close to home but the project is one that makes huge environmental sense.
The scheme gives trees a home in the watershed that will ensure a plentiful water supply to absorb and remove from peak flow rates in streams and rivers. This in turn keeps the rivers cleaner and lowers the flash flood peaks of those areas. It also helps establish wildlife corridors near streams and rivers which are such an important area for wildlife to move up and down without human disturbance.

We are supporting the current project with a £6000 donation. We try to make environmentally friendly decisions in our business whether we are talking about manufacturing, shipping, or packaging beastmaker products. By supporting Lancashire Woodland Connect we can hopefully offset any extra carbon emissions which are unavoidable at present as well as improving the local environment.
As we all spend a lot of time outside ourselves. The work conservation charities do to improve biodiversity and address climate change is crucial if we want to have a healthy and functioning environment where we can spend time and run, bike, swim and climb.
Hopefully, we will be able to volunteer and do our share of tree planting this upcoming season!
If you are interested, you can read more about our sustainable choices here.
And more about Ribble Rivers Trust work can be found from their website and instagram.